Psycho-Educational Workshops in Tyler, TX

At Crosspoint Counseling, we believe a major part of our purpose is to provide useful information to our clients, their families, and the community at large. When people are presented with the insight and tools they need in a way they can understand and internalize, they are empowered to think rationally, control their emotions, and make good decisions. This improved decision-making then results in more constructive, healthy behaviors benefiting themselves, their families, and others with whom they have relationships. Knowledge is power. The more we understand about ourselves and others the better we can function together as a community. We offer psycho-educational workshops and presentations on a variety of topics that can be presented in formal or informal settings to groups of any size.

Workshop and presentation topics include:

If you have a group that you think could benefit from one of our presentations or workshops we would be glad to talk to you about the possibilities. In many cases, these services can be provided at minimal cost to the group.